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Studia z filozofii prawa

Foundations of Legal Negotiations. Studies in the Philosophy of Law 8, red. Jerzy Stelmach, Bartosz Brożek

A collection of essays from the leading scholars in the field dealing with various dimensions of legal negotiations. The contributions concern the logical structure of legal negotiations, as well as the possible philosophical assumptions behind the process of negotiating. The collection covers also the problem of the economic mechanisms and the psychological underpinnings of negotiationg in the shadow of the law. The essays address both conceptual and practical issues. 

Game Theory and the Law. Studies in the Philosophy of Law 7, red. Jerzy Stelmach, Wojciech Załuski
Game theory is a mathematical the-ory of strategic interactions between rational agents. It has been widely, and with much success, applied in various areas of social sciences, espe-cially economics and sociology. How-ever, it has been relatively rarely used in the analyses pursued within legal theory and legal dogmatics. The pre-sent volume is intended to fill in – at least to a certain extent – this gap: the general message of the most of the papers collected in it is that game theory can be a useful tool also for legal scholars. It contains, though, also two skeptical voices regarding the applicability of game theory in legal analysis.

The Normativity of Law. Studies in the Philosophy of Law 6, red. Jerzy Stelmach, Bartosz Brożek

Tom szósty Studiów z filozofii prawa poświęcony jest zagadnieniu normatywności prawa. Jest to jedno z najbardziej kontrowersyjnych zagadnień w filozofii prawa. Było ono przedmiotem gorącej dyskusji w XIX w., a przez ostatnie sto lat, badanie normatywności przybierało różne kształty i formy: od dualizmu Kelsena, poprzez redukcjonizm proponowany przez realistów prawnych, aż do stanowisk nihilistycznych. W ostatnich latach zaobserwować można wzrost zainteresowania problematyką związaną z pojęciem normatywności prawa i niniejszy tom stanowi wkład w tę debatę. Podobnie, jak poprzednie tomyStudiów z filozofii prawa, ma on charakter monograficzny. Znajdują się w nim artykuły uczonych z Anglii, Belgii, Holandii, oraz Polski.

Legal Philosophy and the Challenges of Biosciences. Studies in the Philosophy of Law 4, red. J. Stelmach, M. Soniewicka, W. Załuski
The present book is the fifth volume of the series Studies in the Philosophy of Law which has appeared since 2001. The previous three volumes had a monographic character, the last one being devoted to the various issues of bioethics, law and philosophy and the previous one to the topic of the economic analysis of law. Both of these were published in English. This volume is part of a research project "Biojurisprudence" pursued from 2007 through 2010 by the Department of Philosophy of Law and Legal Ethics at the Jagiellonian University and sponsored by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education. Within the project our team has published many articles, monographs and edited works such as the Studies in the Philosophy of Law, vol. 4: Legal Philosophy and the Challenges of Biosciences (edited by J. Stelmach, M. Soniewicka and W. Zaluski, Jagiellonian University Press, 2010). One monograph, entitled Evolutionary Foundations of Law was written by Dr. Wojciech Zaluski and was published in both Polish and English in 2009. We have also prepared a joint monograph entitled Paradoxes of Legal Bioethics and which is forthcoming this year.

Frontiers of the Economic Analysis of Law. Studies in the Philosophy of Law 3, red. J. Stelmach, B. Brożek, W. Załuski
The previous volumes of the Studies in the Philosophy of Law appeared in Polish, in 2001 and 2003 respectively. The present, third volume introduces two novelties. The present, third volume introduces two novelties. First, it is published in English. Second, it has a monographic character, as its main topic are the various perspectives on the economic analysis of law.
We would like to continue in this spirit and hope to publish the next volume on bioethical aspects of law, or bio-law. We would like to invite anyone interested in the subject and willing to contribute to cooperate with us.
The present volume consists of twelve papers, written by colleagues form Poland, Germany, Belgium and Danmark. We would like to warmly thank them for their participation. The contributions cover various topics – from general legal-philospophical considerations, to more specific applications. The common background of the presented papers is that they all concern the economic analysis of law in its more less canonical form.

Studia z filozofii prawa 2, red. J. Stelmach

Studia z filozofii prawa, red. J. Stelmach

Prezentowany tom obejmuje teksty teoretyków i filozofów prawa pracujących w kraju i za granicą. W książce: Zagadka tolerancji, Status jednostki ludzkiej we współczesnym prawie, Czy możliwy jest świat bez norm prawnych?, Kilka uwag o logice norm, Norma podstawowa, Zasady prawne – komentarz krytyczny, Pozytywizm prawniczy a filozoficzna opozycja podmiotu i przedmiotu poznania, „Miękki” pozytywizm i spór o regułę uznania, Ujęcie instytucjonalne w teorii prawa, Dogmatyka prawa, Sprawiedliwość i system, Antynaturalistyczna filozofia prawa Gustawa Radbrucha, Wykładnia prawa a zmiana społeczno-polityczna, O nieracjonalności pojęcia „racjonalnego ustawodawcy”, Proceduralne ujęcie tworzenia prawa, Klauzula generalna zasad współżycia społecznego, O wadliwych aktach normatywnych w ujęciu wiedeńskiej szkoły teorii prawa, Kłopoty z obowiązywaniem. Uwagi na tle orzecznictwa Trybunału Konstytucyjnego, Ekonomiczne prawa człowieka – mit czy rzeczywistość.